
Freedom with a hint of Legacy

Something we all want is freedom.  Freedom to do what we want to do.  Freedom to experience the things that made us tingle with excitement when we were kids.

For me, the one thing that changed my life when I was just 6 years of age was seeing Star Wars Episode 4 as a wide eyed young boy whose life was changed forever.  Since that day I have dreamed of going to outer space.  Being an astronaut didn't happen, but thanks to Richard Branson it seems my dream of going in to outer space is going to become a reality. 

What made the hairs on the back of your neck rise when you were a kid... A sports car?  A movie?  A vacation you took with your family?  Whatever it may be, you can have it!  BUILD YOUR LEGACY isn't just about what you leave behind, but it is also what you experience with your family, friends or even just on your own if you feel like it! 

Go to space, drive that car, visit that exotic locale!  Remember how you felt as a kid and experience that today!!!!


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